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Bruce Oake Recovery Centre

More information about the Bruce Oake Recovery Centre? Visit

Registered Charitable Organization Number: 81742 2033 RR0001

Phone: 431-996-6253 or Toll Free: 1-866-612-6253

Frequently Asked Questions

Community and Security

What security will the facility have in place?

Staff will be on site 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There will be curfews, random and mandatory drug testing and security cameras. Clients will adhere to a rigorous daily schedule that is monitored by staff.

Who will be able to access the program?

The Bruce Oake Recovery Centre is open to adult males suffering from drug and alcohol addiction who meet stringent intake criteria and are fully committed to living a sober life.

Can someone, including high risk offenders, be court-ordered to attend this facility?

Although courts can order people to attend a treatment facility, the Bruce Oake Recovery Centre has the right to refuse anyone.  Clients must be at least 18 years of age and clean upon entry. The Bruce Oake Recovery Centre will only accept clients who CHOOSE treatment of their own volition. Anyone seeking admittance from any justice system must provide a detailed criminal record for review and will not be accepted if they are deemed a threat to the safety of the neighbourhood.

Who owns the curling club and are there plans to turn the curling club into a similar women-only recovery centre?

The curling club is owned privately and therefore cannot be deemed surplus by the City of Winnipeg. The Bruce Oake has no interest in the facility for an expansion.

What are the security policies?

Virtually every hour of a client's day is accounted for at the Bruce Oake Recovery Centre. On average for the first 12 to17 weeks of treatment clients spend most of their time in the facility with limited provisions to leave. Once they enter the next phase of the program, clients are required to pursue employment while maintaining their sobriety and assigned schedule. Clients are required to sign in and out to ensure staff can account for all clients.

A fence surrounds the facility to ensure clear and healthy boundaries for community members and participants.

The facility security system which provides interior and exterior views of the building is monitored 24 hours a day off site.

All visitors are required to sign in and out. Visitor lockers will be provided and monitored to ensure the continued protection of clients.

Who will pay for path/park changes required because of this development?

The Bruce Oake Memorial Foundation has been responsible for all costs associated with required changes and additions to any of the green space.

In addition, the men of the Bruce Oake Recovery Centre has maintained the tennis courts, participates in creek clean-ups and clears paths as needed.

Recreation Facilities and Greenspace

What will happen to the current greenspace?

The facility and parking lot has been built on a reduced size footprint of the former Vimy Arena. Therefore, additional greenspace has been added as the current plans call for the facility to use 18% less greenspace than is currently taken up by the Vimy Arena.

Is there a potential of shared use of a gym/recreation space?

Community use of the Bruce Oake Recovery Centre is a priority. There is a separate entrance to the gymnasium, public change rooms and washrooms along with a curtain wall to protect clients' anonymity. The Centre seek a community use agreement, but it has been built with community access in mind.

How can we be assured that the greenspace will remain, and further construction will not occur?

We are specifically requesting to both the Province of Manitoba and the City of Winnipeg that provisions clearly ensure that the Bruce Oake Recovery Centre never exceed a maximum of 50 beds at this location and never expand past the originally approved footprint. The Bruce Oake Foundation has made this request as it recognizes the value residents place on their greenspace.

Were other sites considered in the city?

Yes, we have reviewed all surplus properties available on the City of Winnipeg Surplus list.  Based on accessibility to public transit, the seclusion of the location to protect client anonymity and the serenity of the property the Bruce Oake Memorial Foundation and team felt this location was very fitting and as such pursued it.

Centre Operations

Is this a for-profit centre?

No. The Bruce Oake Recovery Centre operates as a registered nonprofit organization with charitable status. 

The Board of Directors can be found on the Board of Directors page.

The Board of Directors oversees the overall administration of the facility, however the day-to-day operations of the centre are run by specialized addiction professionals.

What does typical day look like for clients?

The day of each client is governed by a full schedule as structure and accountability are critical elements of recovery.  The purpose of the curfews and drug testing mentioned above is to ensure only clients committed to and actively working on their sobriety remain in the facility.

What is the methodology for treatment?

The Bruce Oake Recovery Centre offers a range of complimentary services and resources essential for recovery. At the core of the program is the Twelve Step Model with behavioural therapy that recognizes addiction as a chronic disease. The program ideology is based on following key values such as accessibility, flexibility, inclusivity, customization and accountability.