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Looking for help? Contact the Bruce Oake Recovery Centre.

Crisis Line: 1-888-322-3019

Bruce Oake Recovery Centre

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Registered Charitable Organization Number: 81742 2033 RR0001

Phone: 431-996-6253 or Toll Free: 1-866-612-6253

What is long-term treatment?

Long-term treatment is the overall goal for the clients of the Bruce Oake Recovery Centre. We hope to become recognized for our exceptional client success rate, service effectiveness, and organizational efficiency. In order to achieve these goals there is a need to establish deep roots in the community with vibrant and extensive partnerships. The Bruce Oake Recovery Centre offers a range of complimentary services and resources essential for recovery. At the core of the program is the Twelve Step Model that recognizes addiction as a chronic disease. The program ideology is based on the following key values:

  • Accessibility
  • Flexibility
  • Inclusivity
  • Customization
  • Accountability

The Bruce Oake Recovery Centre is modelled after Fresh Start Recovery Centre, an addiction treatment centre for adult males in Calgary, Alberta. Fresh Start provides comprehensive treatment program with a success rate of more than double the industry averages (this success rate is based on a client remaining clean and sober for at least one year after seeking treatment). The program incorporates the Twelve Step Recovery Program with behavioural therapy, while ensuring clients take person responsibility for chore as well as securing employment for their future. Their program includes daily individual and group counselling sessions throughout the course of the program. This is reinforced with enhanced recreational and therapeutic activities conducted in an atmosphere conducive to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual growth. 

Fresh Start clients take on responsibilities over the course of treatment, teaching them many of the life skills that will be required once they re-integrate into the community as contributing members of society. After group completion, Fresh Start Alumni contribute through peer support by working with other men in the earlier phases of their treatment process. All of these components combine to create a comprehensive program. Fresh Start operates an efficient cost controlled business model that allow them to keep their client fees at a manageable rate while fundraising to cover the deficit in their operating costs. The Fresh Start model serves as the blueprint for the Bruce Oake Recovery Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba, as the only long-term treatment facility available.